"Soft Bite" Great Dane Bite Sleeve for Puppy Training
None of dogs has grown up into a true defender without proper training. Canine skills and habits should be developed and an owner shouldn't rely on natural instincts only. Professional training enables to imitate true-to-life situations, so the pet will have enough practise before s/he will face them in real life.
You are presented Pro Jute Bite Sleeve that was developed specially for puppies. This dog training sleeve is very soft to bite, thus your Great Dane
won't damage his immature teeth. Moreover, no toxic or allergenic materials were used. Train your gentle giant and be sure that both you and your beloved pet will not suffer.
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Jute Great Dane sleeve with soft bite surface
Great Dane bite sleeve with easy to hold handle
Key features of this Great Dane Bite Sleeve: - Made of 100% dog safe materials
- Very soft material
- Soft bite surface for puppies
- Soft interior
- Handle outside and inside (made of flexible nylon strap)
- D-ring under handle for increased functionality
- Wall hang loop - stay organized
| Intended use of this Great Dane Bite Sleeve: - Introduction to bite work with sleeve
- Working on bite drive
- Playing with your dog to get your puppy into bite game
To produce this bite sleeve the artists used natural jute. Due to the material, the dog training bite sleeve is rather durable, but
soft to the pup's teeth. Furthermore, it is completely non-toxic and
will not result into allergic reactions, irritation or other health deviations. The sleeve is very comfortable and lightweight, so you
won't get tired while training sessions. Thus, your Great Dane will be able to achieve better results. To provide you with extra comfort this canine item has a strong handle. Using this handle you can train your pet without putting the sleeve on your arm or hold it firmer.
This dog item is easy to bite because its surface is thin and soft. This fact is of crucial importance as regards puppy bite training. You can use it for developing bite skills of your Great dane puppy and for working on his bite drive.
Take a look at puppy jute sleeve in 3D