High-Quality Bite Builder for Great Dane
Do you feel like keeping bite training of your Great Dane puppy?
Do you want to do it in a proper way with royal quality equipment?
Then consider this Bite Builder for Advanced Training of puppies and young dogs. This tool has been tested by vets, professional trainers and ordinary dog handlers. The test showed fantastic results, so be sure that the item will not let you down. This bite builder is very durable as it is manufactured of French Linen. Moreover, stitching increases reliability of the supply. It is equipment you use while training that also matters! So provide your Great Dane with the best supplies and be sure training results will be amazing!
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Duly stitched bite builder for Great Dane bite training
Comfy Great Dane bite builder with inside handles Key features of this Great Dane Bite Builder: - 3 durable round padded hard handles
- dog safe materials
- durable french linen material
- easy bite grip angle for training
| Intended use of this Great Dane Bite Builder: - Advanced bite training
- Building full bite grip
- Building better position grip
- Building stronger grip
Our craftsmen choose only extra quality, strong and dog safe materials. This Bite Builder is made of French Linen. This material is characterised by durability, safety, resistance to tear and wear. It
will withstand the dog’s bites and pulling.
The surface of the item is carefully stitched. There are no plastic or metal parts outside the bite builder, thus your Great Dane won't damage his teeth. Three hard handles placed inside the gear
allow you to hold it firmly and control your dog’s bites. NB! Do not let your Great Dane to chew this Bite Builder. Otherwise he can damage it and you won’t be able to use it for further training.