How does your Gentle Giant spend his summertime?

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July 14, 2014

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June, July and August..Wonderful time called summer. Which of the three do you like best? To my mind, July is the month when you feel most happy. Let me justify this statement. In the heart of summer you already forget that it was cold once, it seems to you that this earthy paradise will go on and on. You do not to put many clothes on, you have all the windows open to let the air through, you enjoy life to the full!

What about your Great Dane? When does he feel extremely good – in bad weather or in sunny warm day? Probably, a warm season is most long-awaited time for everyone because you can be outside as long as possible without feeling cold and, again, a lot of opportunities are in front of you just in this time of year.. Take your dog along and go out to spend pleasant moments with him! 




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