Several useful tips about Gentle Giant's feeding

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April, 28 2014

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Your Great Dane is no doubt real “child” for you. They say that kids bring happiness in our life, but they also bring a lot of problems. The same is true concerning dogs. Happiness is the only feeling we have when petting them and spending time with them. And what about problems? Sure, they differ and depend upon many circumstances. Most common concern your stuff, e.g. scratched furniture or chewed shoes.

However, the problems may be much more serious. They include problems with your dog’s health. Of course, we aren’t perfect people and we just can’t prevent or predict all the possible risks. There is one thing we can do though. We can provide our Great Dane with the most quality food and water to ensure high immunity and thus better protection from diseases. Some professionals even recommend to create special timetable for your convenience and for Great Dane to be used to eat at the same time every day. 




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