Some information about dog aggression

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January, 28 2014

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Hope, you and your Gentle Giant are doing well. If you do not mind my submitting some knowledge on dog aggression I will tell you what professional dog experts think of this issue. They insist on the fact that some dogs are bred to be guard Canines. Despite various investigations in the area of dog behavior there is no still a clear definition of dog aggression. Some types of dog aggression are inherited from the mother (dominance aggression), the others are determined by endocrine profile (sexual abuse between male dogs).
In order to get rid of dog aggression a dog owner is recommended to suppress all the attempts of the pet to dominate over him and members of his family. This dog tries to become a leader because he accepts his owner as a weak person. The best way to solve the problem of dog aggression is to teach this pet to obey. Any attempts of such dog to dominate are to be eliminated under the guidance of skillful pet coach.




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